Production roles - Dr Who

Turquoise Icons Process Infographic by poppy

Production roles - Dr Who

  • Grip - Technicians, work with the camera department to provide camera support. A Grip will build and maintain all the equipment which is needed to support a camera and ensure it moves smoothly, this can include; tripod, dollies, tracks and cranes

  • Gaffer - Head electrician, responsible for lighting plans under the direction of the Director of photography 

  • Best boy - Gaffer's assistant 

  • Set director - Head of set decoration, responsible for selecting, designing, fabricating and sourcing the 'set dressing' elements of a set 

  • Prop master - Provides the elements handled by the actors 

  • Petty Cash buyer - Assist the buyer and assistant buyer with the locating, purchasing or hiring of small items 

  • Draughts person - Makes technical drawings/plans of machinery, buildings, electronics etc 

  • Prop chargehand receives props from the props storeman and then allocate his or her team with a certain number of props to install around a set or location.

  • Concept/graphics artist - will create illustrations used to convey an idea for films before it is put into the final product 

  • Focus pullers - Assistant to cameraman, responsible for keeping lens focused during filming


  1. Although you have completed the task, it's not been done very creatively! It was expected that you were to create a fact file...maybe using Canva?

    You need to be aware of different production roles/what they do as it has been on the exam paper for the past few years.

    Miss Crader


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