
Showing posts from October, 2018

Audiences (Long tail, Barb, Uses and gratifications)

LO: to investigate the target audiences for media products Mainstream - the audience which consumes a product that appeals to a wide range of groups and cultures. Generally the conventional ideas/ attitudes as regarded by society. Niche - the audience of a specific/ specialist media product which may only appeal to a small number of people or those who fall within a specific demographic profile (e.g. this could be age, ethnicity). Narrowcasting - aiming programmes at specific and specialist audiences as apposed to broadcasting to 'mass' audiences Chris Anderson: The Long Tail Theory Barb data  Broadcasters' Audience Research Board  Collate viewing figures of all major UK broadcaster. Includes ITV, BBC and Sky Used by television companies to assess how well a series is performing in comparison with pervious series and competing shows  Demographics - target audience is broken down based on variables in age, ethnicity, gender, ecumenic statu...

X Factor exam practice

Analyse how camera is used to create meaning in a media product you have studied (12 marks) Shot type; long shot when introducing herself emphasis large crowd, close up once she starts singing, POV shot of judges through bars, establishing/extreme long shot of setting Angle; eye level, high angle to show audience  Framing;  Depth of field; shallow - always focused on her Camera movement; tracking movement follows her on to the stage, zoom in on her, zoom on judges faces during audition, crane shot of her on stag, static when singing(shows calmness) , tracking back over audience,  In Ella Henderson's initial X factor audition, camera plays a role in creating meaning. For example, the large crowd is emphasised through the use of an extreme long shot. This shot type creates meaning as the long shot represents the pressure that she is feeling and how significant this opportunity is for her by establishing the setting and showing how small Henderson is in compariso...

Micro-analysis and genre (Dr Who)

Genre and audience pleasures Rick Altman argues genre offers audiences a set of pleasures: Emotional pleasures - how the text makes you feel Visceral pleasures - gut responses e.g. excitement, fear etc  Intellectual pleasures - does it make the audience think?  Dr who clip  Sound: footsteps non-digetic ominous background music creates suspense  drilling voiceover on a sound system  buzzes and beeping typing  non-diegetic peaceful background music relates to the dialogue and creates nostalgia  Mies-En-Scene analysis  Use of multiple screens relates to futuristic genre of the show. Complexity of each screen creates a sense of excitements as it shows something of a great proportion is happening  Use of electronics may appeal to tech savvy target audience of teenagers and young adults Colour blue along with the dark lighting creates a sense of isolation due to the connotation the c...

Sutori timeline

Production roles - Dr Who

Turquoise Icons Process Infographic by poppy Production roles - Dr Who Grip - Technicians, work with the camera department to provide camera support. A Grip will build and maintain all the equipment which is needed to support a camera and ensure it moves smoothly, this can include; tripod, dollies, tracks and cranes Gaffer  - Head electrician, responsible for lighting plans under the direction of the Director of photography  Best boy - Gaffer's assistant  Set director - Head of set decoration, responsible for selecting, designing, fabricating and sourcing the 'set dressing' elements of a set  Prop master - Provides the elements handled by the actors  Petty Cash buyer  - Assist the buyer and assistant buyer with the locating, purchasing or hiring of small items  Draughts person  - Makes technical drawings/plans of machinery, buildings, electronics etc  Prop chargehand -  receives  pr...

Web 2.0 and Technological Convergence

Technological convergence : allows audiences to access media content from multiple platforms on one device. It involves the coming together of information and communication technologies to create new ways of production and distributing products and services to media audiences.  Black box : a device that supplies us with all of our informational and media requirements (e.g. a smartphone). Web 2.0 The boom (1998-2001) was a huge rise in the number of internet-based companies There was a shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 The internet became more interactive Allowed mass communication  Reached a larger audience  Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in social media dialog as creators (prosumers) of user generated content.  Web 2.0 shapes the relations of public/ private, work/non-work, home/ outside home Mobile phones enhanced pre-existing social connections eg gossip, making arrangements, etc How is social networ...

Advertising and marketing

Advertising and marketing  Advertising : 'Payments from brands in return for the placement of promotional material on pages or during production- could be in the form of commercial breaks, or via product placement'. Two main ways to advertise: Traditional advertising Radio TV Print e.g. poster, newspapers, magazines, billboards, leaflets/ flyers Product placement Digital advertising Text messages  Social media  Product placement Email Websites Video Search engine marketing (SEM) - companies bid on key search engine words to get to the top of searches (e.g. searching for fast-food and mcdonalds being the first result)  Above-the-line advertising   Where mass media is used to promote brands. These include conventional media such as television and radio advertising, print and the internet. Below-the-line advertising The distribution of pamphlets, stickers, promotions etc at the point of sale....