Audiences (Long tail, Barb, Uses and gratifications)
LO: to investigate the target audiences for media products Mainstream - the audience which consumes a product that appeals to a wide range of groups and cultures. Generally the conventional ideas/ attitudes as regarded by society. Niche - the audience of a specific/ specialist media product which may only appeal to a small number of people or those who fall within a specific demographic profile (e.g. this could be age, ethnicity). Narrowcasting - aiming programmes at specific and specialist audiences as apposed to broadcasting to 'mass' audiences Chris Anderson: The Long Tail Theory Barb data Broadcasters' Audience Research Board Collate viewing figures of all major UK broadcaster. Includes ITV, BBC and Sky Used by television companies to assess how well a series is performing in comparison with pervious series and competing shows Demographics - target audience is broken down based on variables in age, ethnicity, gender, ecumenic statu...