
Showing posts from November, 2018

Newspapers: Ownership, Marketing & Distribution, Audience, Regulatory Bodies

Tabloid  - The Sun Broadsheet - The Independent Ownership  Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev took ownership of The Independent in 2010 The Sun is owned by News UK who are part of the American mass media conglomerate called 'News Corp'. Rupert Murdoch is the executive chairman. Marketing and distribution  The Independent  The last printed edition was published March 2016 and now is only available in digital format Homepage of website uses pop-up adverts and sponsorship as source of revenue Revenue from subscription service, annual or monthly payments Twitter account with 2.6mil followers  The Sun  Youtube channel with 77k subscribers  TV adverts not focusing on news element  Above-the-line billboards  Website with pop-up adverts relating to articles  Twitter account with 1.4mil followers Target audience  The Sun C2DE  Male 35+ The Independent  ABC1 Majority of readers v...

Kerrang! Readership

Market possibilities : The way in which institutions believe that their brand or product can expand into another medium as a cross-media product or spin-off. Gap in the marke t: The identification of a group of potential customers who are not yet purchasing a product, or the realisation by an institution that there is a need for a new product of brand. Circulation : The number of people who purchase print product. Demographics Target age of 15-24, giving a mean age of 19.5 years old  59% male audience, leaving 41% being female Targets the C2, D and E NRS social grades. As this audience have a lower disposable income, they may be less likely to purchase a magazine. Kerrang! retails at £2.30 How can the uses and gratifications theory be applied to Kerrang! magazine? Individuals may consumer Kerrang! as a source of information. This would be as the magazine contains content on relevant events such as concerts. Readers may also use the magazine to satis...

Kerrang! Textual analysis

How have production techniques been used to create meaning? (12) In the issue of 'Kerrang!' magazine focusing on the band "My Chemical Romance', production techniques such as use of camera have been used to create meaning. One way in which this is done is in the main image of the band's lead singer, Gerard Way. A close-up shot type is used here. This type of shot creates an intense atmosphere, linking to the rock genre in which the magazine concentrates on. The camera also uses an eye-level angle. This angle creates an invasive and intimate atmosphere due to the proximity to the singer. The use of camera angle allows the readers to gain a feeling of closeness and connection to the band's lead. This feeling links into the Uses and Gratification's theory (Bumler and Katz) of why audiences consume media. In this case, it would be for entertainment e.g. escapism. The production technique of mise-en-scene is also used to create meaning. This can be seen ...

Kerrang! Ownership

Bauer Media  Kerrang! magazine, website and music awards was sold by Bauer Media Group to Wasted Talent in April 2017. Bauer Media retained ownership of Kerrang! radio whilst Box Plus Network owns Kerrang! TV Bauer Media is an example of a conglomerate as it owns Kerrang! Magazine, Kerrang! Radio, MOJO Magazine, Empire Magazine, Kiss FM and Magic FM  A conglomerate is a company which owns, other, smaller companies involved in mass media enterprises ( e.g. TV, radio, publishing) Jerry Perkins of Mixmag Media on Kerrang! Magazine  Bauer Media retained the right in the UK and Europe 'to continue broadcasting Kerrang! Radio and Kerrang! TV' Was important to keep Kerrang! in print as it is 'the soul of the brand' but will 'move to a digital video-first strategy with facebook and google to build an international audience' Moving Kerrang! from a weekly to monthly magazine magazine was a better use of editorial resources, the magazine didn't need to be...

Kerrang! Advertising

Potential advertising methods Social media; instagram, snapchat, facebook, twitter Billboards Flyers Television  Sponsorship; festivals  Radio Word of mouth  David Ganntlet's Web 2.0 - Consumers of media become prosumers through interactive involvement with the internet. Traditional advertising  TV ad 2002 Print advertising for Kerrang! tour  K! tour is advertised in the magazine its self, cross-media promotion/synergy  Digital adverting Youtube channel 67,000 subscribers Links to website Links to social media Links to magazine website for subscriptions  Includes interviews and links to K! Pit  Social media  Facebook - Links to sponsored websites, encourages people to be prosumers through sharing content, events calendar; events are promoted based on friend's interests (below-the-line personalised advertising) Twitter - Hyperlink to Newsstand website to purchase magazine, hyperlink to kerrang! websi...

Film audiences

Frozen  Budget of $150,000,000 Gross of $400,738,009 in USA Worldwide gross of $1,276,480,335  PG due to adult humour, frightening or intense threat, drug and alcohol references. 81% of audience upon opening weekend were families  Animated and young adult films offer a simple, pure form of escapism for millennials at a time of political and financial unrest. There is no moral ambiguity or uncertain endings in movies. Street Dance 3D  Budget of £3,500,000 £2,493,948 made on opening weekend in UK PG  World's End  Budget of $20,000,000 $26,004,851 made on opening weekend in USA Worldwide gross of $46,089,287 Rated 15 due to sex references, strong language, fantasy violence Blamer and Katz - Uses and Gratifications  An audience wants to: Be informed or educated Identity with characters of the situation in the media environment  Simple entertainment  Enhance social interacti...

Film analysis and theory

Key terms:  Verisimilitude - How real and believable the world of the story appears to the audience Diegesis/ diegetic world - The world in which the film takes place Juxtaposition - Placing opposite objects next to each other to create meaning Narrative theory - Theories that categories narratives and find features common to them Theories  Levi-Strauss and Binary Opposition Theorised that since all cultures are products of the human brain, there are features which are common and shared to all   Majority of narratives in media (films, books, movies) contain juxtaposing main characters to thicken the  plot   Narrative tension in media is based on opposition or conflict, can be physical fights or ideological differences Examples of binary opposites; good vs evil, peace vs war, young vs old, civilised vs savage, protagonist vs antagonist, humanity vs technology, ignorance vs wisdom, man vs nature etc  Vladimir Propp  Russian sovi...

Film advertising

Traditional : Radio, TV, Magazines, newspapers  Digital : social media, video ads, email, texts, product placement  Above the line advertising : Where mass media is used to promote brands to target consumers. These include conventional media such as television and radio advertising, print and the internet. Below the line advertising : promotion via leaflets, pamphlets, stickers, roadside banners and billboards Black box : device that supplies us with all of our informational and media requirements (e.g. a smartphone) Downloading : copying data from out computer system to another to watch at a later time   Streaming : media is sent in continuous stream and can be viewed instantly without being downloaded  Frozen  Released November 2013 Estimated budget of $150,000,000 Grossed $1,276,480,000 worldwide  Digital advertising via Disney youtube channel with 3.5 mil subscribers Marketing and distribution through digital advertising on the...

Film production and co-production

Film production and co-production  Disney - Frozen  Conglomerate company (one overall parent company which owns a number of smaller, subsidiary companies) Frozen was produced by Walt Disney Animation studios and then released by Walt Disney Pictures Disney have complete control over the film from inception to release  Access to multiple platforms for cross-promotion and synergy  Disney owns the Disney Channel (TV) but also owns Disney Life (video-on -demand) allowing it to compete with the likes of Netflix Joint ventures: independent companies may undertake a joint venture which is when one media company works for another on a project which is mutually beneficial for both parties Advantages - Larger budget free from control of a conglomerate gives independent film makers opportunities to be recognised. Disadvantages -  don't have full control over production Lower budget  Street Dance 3D Joint venture b...

Legal and ethical issues

LO: To consider the legal, regulatory and ethical issues surrounding media products Hypodermic needle theory  Theorises that audiences are essentially passive and they will readily absorb messaged relayed to them by the media This means that, after watching a violent horror film or playing a violent video game, audience members will be negatively influenced Presupposes that audiences are passive (unable to reject media messages) rather than active (they make sense of media messages though personal and social contexts) Desensitisation by exposure  Moral Panic and Folk Devils Developed in 1972 by Stanley Cohen  Encompassed ideas of folk devils (bad influences) in society  Moral panic happens when ' a condition, episode, person or group or persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests' His research was based on the mods and rockers in the 1960s but have since been applied to media       Stage...

Research data

Research data  Research can be divided into two categories: Primary - From a direct source  Focus groups Advantages - Can ask exact questions, more detailed answers, can show prototypes/ sketches Disadvantages - Pressure to conform to others opinions, expensive to host, time consuming to collate data. Interview Survey  Questionnaires (online/ hand written) Advantages - Private/ can be filled out anonymously, data can be easily collated, can be turned into graphs and percentages. Disadvantages - Invalid data/ people may lie or rush, data is not as detailed. Secondary - already existing data Books Internet Advantages - Wide range of opinions and sources, easily accessible  Disadvantages - Not all sources are reliable, information can be misinterpreted TV Advantages - Audience can be passive  Disadvantage - Information can be biased Magazines/n ewspapers Qualitative   - Typically descriptive, in-dept...